Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Laptop Program 2011

I am looking forward to the laptop program, also known as the 1:1 program, because I get a laptop and I will have the opportunity to learn more in-depth and just more in general. I am concerned about how the teachers will be controlling what the students are looking up during class, and how much attention the laptops would take away from. One question I would like answered is, "How will the teachers control what goes on during the class period on the laptops?" I think that one way students will be able to deal with classrooms with both laptops and no laptops is to separate the classrooms, although that could pose a number of problems. I did read about a 1:1 program that used PC's, but it was recommended to use Macs because Macs are less susceptible to viruses and spyware. Also, it was reported that the students learned more and it engaged the students more. I think that it is a good idea and i am looking forward to the 1:1 program next year.

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