Friday, May 14, 2010

Project Done in Tech. Class


Intermediate Technology Applications

Third Hour/Banned Books

January 8, 2010

Stephen King’s The Shining

The Shining is one of the books on a number of “banned books” lists. The Shining is a horror novel written by the American author Stephen King, originally first released in the year of 1977. The title of the book is based off of a song written by John Lennon entitled “Instant Karma”. The book was King’s third written novel and established him as a prominent author in the horror genre. The book was later made into a movie and even a television mini-series was later based on it.

The Shining is about a man by the name of Jack Torrance, who is an alcoholic, would-be writer who tries to rebuild his life after a series of tragedies such as him breaking the arm of his three-year old-son. He also assaulted a student at the school where he was a teacher. While he is recovering, Jack is writing a play. To prove that he is recovering, him and his wife and child move to Colorado and take care of the Overlo ok Hotel, which has a history of it s own of having psychic powers. The hotel wanted Danny, Jack’s son because of his ‘precognitive powers” . Eventually, the hotel tries to get Jack to kill the man who was summoned to investigate the hotel. The book ends with Jack trying to fix the boiler in the basement and his wife, child and detective fleeing the hotel as it explodes.

The Shining is considered n outstanding horror novel by many critics. But even though it is considered such a good work, it has still been banned by couple different states in certain areas. It was banned because it is “considered ‘dangerous violence and demonic possession and ridicules the Christian religion" (The Gumbo Pages).


Works Cited:

" - Shining, The." Welcome to Web. 11 Jan. 2010.


"The Shining (novel) -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 11 Jan. 2010.


The Gumbo Pages :: Make Levees, Not War. Web. 11 Jan. 2010.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Computer or Robot?

I think that if there was a perfect computer for me, it would have to be portable, but I would need it to be able to have enough hard drive space for everything that I do on it, as well as be able to function very quickly with a lot of programs open. Most computers slow down significantly when you run more than 3 or 4 different programs at the same time. I also would like to specialize the computer. Some people think that a robot would be an easy solution. I disagree. Having a robot know exactly what you want to know because it can read your mind or something creeps me out signifcantly. Thus, I would like a easy-to-use, portable, fast, and easy to specialize computer.

Monday, April 26, 2010


There are a few things that I would change about the projects that have been assigned to me in my Computer Applications class. First of all, I would like the amount of time that we have to be extened. I think that everyone that does this project would agree. We would have more time to be more creative, more expressive, and to do an overall better job. I would also change how the instructions are presented. The students are not always sure of what we are supposed to do from the given instructions. If the teacher would give a thorough description of what he/she wanted, we would be able to do a better job. Also, if we were given an example of what our project should look like, I believe that the students in my class would find it very helpful.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Drum Solo

Drum Solo

Monday, March 22, 2010

Life Changing Event

An event that has impacted my life was my baptism. I was baptized in late September of the year 1994. This was about a month after my birth. Because of my baptism, I am now the Christian that I am now. Also, because of baptism, I have been able to receive the sacraments of reconciliation, Holy Communion, or First Communion, and I have been Confirmed as a Catholic. I go to Church every Saturday or Sunday. I find that being a Catholic brings me closer to God and it helps me define who I am. I even go to a Catholic high school. If I had not been baptized, I would not be the person I am today.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Leprechauns are just fairies in folklore myth. They usually appear as old men and are clad in a red or green coat. Leprechauns always like to partake in mischief. Leprechaun can be derived either to mean pygmy or shoemaker, depending on what word you take it from.
Leprechauns always appear to be greedy. They always have a lot of gold stashed away somewhere. They view humans as being greedy and wanting their gold. They try to bribe humans with fake coins to let them go, and they can disappear if you take your eyes off of the leprechaun. They keep all of their gold in a pot, marked by a rainbow. If you catch a leprechaun, it will lead you to its gold.